Protecting Our Youth: The Critical Role of Prevention Education in Today's World
In a world where child safety is paramount, recent news from Greenfield highlights the unsettling reality that child abuse can happen anywhere, even within the seemingly secure confines of after-school programs. At the Indiana Center for Prevention of Youth Abuse & Suicide (ICPYAS), we recognize the urgency of addressing these issues through our comprehensive prevention education programs.
Tips for Talking About Body Safety
Talking to kids about body safety doesn’t have to be scary!
It's Back to School Time!
Believe it or not, it is back to school time! Here in central Indiana, we have schools resuming as early as next week! As much as we all love summer, there is something about starting school that brings everyone excitement.
June is Internet Safety Month
Sometimes – despite our best intentions and efforts – bad things happen to children…
Building Resiliency in Youth
Sometimes – despite our best intentions and efforts – bad things happen to children…
Digital Safety
It seems like it happened overnight. We gave our 7 year old her very own tablet for her birthday. Suddenly, she’s herding cats on Minecraft…
Mental Health Awareness Week
This past Sunday marked the beginning of mental health awareness week!