Mental Health Awareness Week

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Mental Health Awareness

This past Sunday marked the beginning of mental health awareness week! This is an important topic and one that has been on everyone’s minds a little more as we are navigating a new normal. I am here to say children are greatly feeling this, as well. I am working on my master’s degree in social work and have been completing an internship at a local middle school. I have been working with the counselors and other staff members to assist students in a variety of areas and these students are hurting.

I am sure many of you have seen the meme that states this is the third school year in a row that has not been normal for our children. While we are talking about a time frame that is a little over a year and a half it is true that students did not get to end their ’19-’20 school year properly and it hasn’t been the same since. It seemed, for most, that just as they adjusted to being in the school building less and navigating virtual academia, they were thrust back into the full school week of five days and longer hours. They have dealt with social isolation, not being able to participate in activities they love or may even feel like a second home to them, and some are experiencing real failure for the first time. All of that is happening while shouldering some of the struggles of the adults who surround them. Child, adolescent, and teen counselors are barely accepting patients because they have hit their maximum client load and suicide rates and prescriptions for depression and anxiety have all increased in children.

I know many are doing all they can to help others, including the kids in their lives. It is important to understand that children have not yet developed the same coping skills that many adults have acquired. I think it is important that as we recognize mental health this week, we keep in mind all they are going through and try to enter each day with an open heart and mind to be cognizant of what our children are experiencing and to be a support system for them. One of our goals here at ICPYAS is to protect children and we believe in giving them all the resources they need to be successful!



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