Youth Suicide Resources

Resources to responding to suicide:

CALL 911 if the person has access to lethal means and/or is in immediate danger

National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 9-8-8

National Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741

Community Health Network Text Line: Text HELP NOW to 20121

Community Health Network Crisis Line: 1-800-662-3445 or 1-317-621-5700

St. Vincent Youth Services Stress Center: 1-800-872-2210 or 1-317-388-4800

Online resources

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

Community Health Network:Have Hope

The Treavor Project 

The Jason Foundation

Indiana State Suicide Prevention

Suicide Prevention Resources

Suicide Prevention Lifeline

National Alliance on Mental Illness

Useful mobile apps

A Friend Asks: From Jason Foundation. Warning signs, resources, how to help a friend, what to do, what not to do, get help now.

SaferHome: Ways to reduce access to lethal means and practical safety planning tips.

Safety Plan: Personalized digital safety plan

MY3: Select 3 individuals from contact list to support them in times of crisis

ASK: Provides educational resources and crisis intervention resources

Virtual Hope Box: Variety of tools to assist with distractions, inspiration, relaxation and coping

Injury Prevention: Information on the size and scope of specific injury problems in Indiana