Digital Safety Programs

Donations from supporters like you helps offset the costs of these programs and provide funding for local schools and youth-serving organizations.

Adult Training Programs

NetSmartz® for Adults and Caregiviers

ICPYAS offers resources for parents and educators to facilitate discussions with children and students about online safety. These resources include tip sheets, videos, and presentations aimed at guiding adults in supporting young individuals' online safety.

Child and Teen Programs

NetSmartz® Workshop

ICPYAS provides the NetSmartz® Workshop, offering age-appropriate materials and activities tailored for different age groups. These engaging lessons for students in k-5th grades cover various topics such as internet safety, privacy, social networking, and online gaming.

NetSmartz® Teens

Tailored for teenagers, our NetSmartz Teens program addresses issues relevant to this age group, including sexting, online reputation management, digital footprint, and strategies for staying safe while using social media. Appropriate for youth in 6th-12th grades.