Signs of Suicide Program

What is Signs of Suicide (SOS)?

SOS is an evidence-based youth suicide prevention program that has demonstrated an improvement in students’ knowledge and adaptive attitudes about suicide risk and depression.

Designed for grades 6-12, SOS teaches students how to identify signs of depression and suicide in themselves and their peers, while providing materials that train school professionals, parents, and communities to recognize at-risk students and take appropriate action.

How Does it Work?

The recently enhanced program reflects feedback from students and facilitators, offers practical advice on coping skills, spotlights the role of social media, and includes stories of hope and recovery. It has also been adapted for in-person or virtual delivery to support schools during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • According to the American Association of Suicidology, suicide ranked as the third leading cause of death for young people (ages 15-19 and 15-24.) While suicides accounted for 1.4% of all deaths in the U.S. annually, they comprised 12.2% of all deaths among 15-24-year-olds.

"SOS has been shown to reduce suicidal ideation in middle school students and suicide attempts in high school students. If your administrators do not know where to begin, suggest SOS."

-American Association of Suicidology


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