Youth Advisory Council


Call Out Info: June 25, 12- 1:30 pm

Location: 4607 E. 106th Street, Carmel 46033

Food will be provided

Registration link: Youth Advisory Board Call Out Meeting (


What is the Youth Advisory Council?

You have a voice and we care! Come help the Indiana Center for Prevention understand the challenges High School students face in the areas of Digital Safety, Suicide Prevention & Sexual Abuse Prevention.

Who is eligible?

We weclome rising high school sophomores, juniors and seniors, from all schools as well as students who are homeschooled.

How will the Youth Advisory Council work?

Throughout the year, The Youth Advisory Council will plan, organize and implement various activities to create awareness, build community and fundraise to the Indiana Center for Prevention of Youth Abuse and Suicide and the students it serves.

Why would a student want to serve on YAC?

Real-world leadership opportunities, which will directly impact you and your peers. This experience will help participants meet newer graduation requirements by providing a robust project-based learning experience. 

What is the potential time commitment?

We anticipate monthly in-person meetings which might last 1.5 hours to plan and prepare for events, like a Youth Panel. awareness events and social media campaigns.